
Applicable à

1. Collaboration Boards

The Collaboration Board is the supreme body of a collaboration, responsible for taking the most important decisions. It comprises representatives of the participating institutes (usually the Team Leaders) as well as ex officio members.

2. Official and Unofficial Teams

- see also the definition of a Team in the Management of persons, Institutions and experiments (PIE) - Introduction procedure -

A Team is deemed to be official if the relevant institute's participation has been approved by the Collaboration Board. An unofficial Team is a Team whose participation in an experiment is pending approval by the Collaboration Board.

For a Team to appear in the Grey Book, the "In Grey Book" checkbox must be ticked in PIE/PAD - Experiments – Teams. Unofficial Teams should not appear in the Grey Book.

3. Team Leaders

Each institute participating in an experiment or project at CERN is required to appoint a Team Leader and a Deputy Team Leader responsible for making sure that all the members of their team are aware of CERN's regulations and requirements and of their duty to comply with them throughout their stay at CERN. 
The responsibilities of Team Leader and their deputies are set out in the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent.
Team Leaders and Deputy Team Leaders must:

If the Team Leader and the deputy are only occasionally present on the CERN site, it is strongly advised that the institute appoints a second deputy who is present on the site more regularly and can thus stand in for them when they are absent.

Team Leaders and their Deputies must be members of the CERN personnel and members of the Team in question. Their appointment is valid for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed. Their appointments automatically expire after this period or sooner if the person no longer fulfils the conditions for holding the position.

N.B. Teams whose institute is CERN constitute a special case. Their Team Leaders and Deputies can be staff members. Where relevant, the provisions of the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent apply by analogy.

4. Safety correspondents

Each institute must appoint, for each experiment or project at CERN in which it participates, at least one Safety Correspondent to represent it at CERN in all matters relating to Safety.

The Safety Correspondent is the point of contact between CERN and the institute for all matters relating to the safety of the institute’s personnel during their stay at CERN. He or she must forward information and requests for information from CERN to those responsible for safety in his or her own institute.

The responsibilities of the Safety Correspondent are set out in the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent.

The Safety Correspondent must be an associated member of the CERN personnel and must be familiar with CERN’s activities.


1. Registration of Teams

  • Once a new institute has been accepted by the Collaboration Board, the Spokesperson must inform the secretariat of the experiment or the Grey Book secretariat of the names of the institute, its Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s) and whether or not the Team has official status.

  • The secretariat of the experiment

  • If the institute is not in the database, a request to have it entered should be sent by e-mail to the secretariat of the Grey Book institutes, giving the name of the institute (a letter incorporating the institute's letter heading, if possible), as well as its full address, telephone number and URL address; institutes are encouraged to also provide a generic e-mail address.

  • The institute is then registered by the Users' Office, which notifies the secretariat.

  • If the institute is already in the database or, if not, once it has been entered, the secretariat of the experiment:

    • creates a link between the experiment and the institute in PIE/PAD - Experiment - Team using a code within the tree structure of the host institute's code.

      Example: see diagram in the Recording institutes procedure
      A Team for a collaboration between the CERN experiment and a given university can be registered in the name of the university, one of its two faculties or one of its two departments.

      The existing links between the different codes can be checked in PIE/PAD -Institutes - Institutes by doing a search with the code of the institute in question: a link marked Diagram at the bottom of the "Institute" section on the search results page takes you to the complete tree structure of the institute's code.

    • specifies the status of the institute's participation (official or unofficial). The data relating to Official Teams are transferred to Oracle*HR and are then available in the databases so that the participants can be registered.

    • enters the names of the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader(s) (see section 2.2 for details).

  • Teams that have not yet been officially approved by the experiment can be registered as having unofficial status by entering the comment "Awaiting approval". The temporary Team Leader will be the spokesperson of the experiment. 
    The Contact Person or the resources coordinator may be appointed as deputies; the name of the future Team Leader may be entered in the Comments field. 
    The members of the Team awaiting approval by the Collaboration Board should be registered as unofficial participants ("N" flag in the "Grey Book" field) as they do not yet appear in the Grey Book. 
    Once the team has been made official, and no later than three months after the registration of the unofficial team, the institute must appoint a Team Leader and Deputy Team Leaders to replace the spokesperson, contact person and resources coordinator. 
    If the Team Leader fails to appoint a Team Leader within the three-month deadline, the Users Office:

    • will close the User contracts of the members of the Team concerned,

    • will close the participation of the members of the Team concerned,

    • will close the Team concerned,

    • will refuse the extension of existing User contracts and the creation of new User contracts.

2. Team Leaders

2.1 General

  • Anyone holding a CERN contract of association - or a CERN staff contract if the institute is "CERN" - can be appointed as an institute's Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader. External persons, external persons participating in an experiment (PART) and applicants are specifically excluded from being a Team Leader.

  • A Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s must be a participant in the experiment concerned (see procedure Participation in an experiment of a person present at CERN).

  • The appointment of a Team Leader and any Deputy is for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed. The appointment will end before this limit if the person concerned no longer fulfils all of the conditions described above.

  • The institute must inform CERN in good time of any change to or renewal of an appointment.

  • The institute must inform the experiment secretariat of all appointments of Team Leaders or Deputy Team Leaders and of the renewal of their appointments using the form Appointment of a Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader from an Institution collaborating in an Experiment or Project. The form must be signed by an authorised representative of the institute and by the persons appointed before it is forwarded to the secretariat at CERN.
    Each new appointment cancels and replaces the previous one.

2.2 Appointment of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

As soon as it receives the appointment form, completed by the institute, the experiment secretariat forwards it to the experiment Spokesperson or to the Contact Person, who must sign the form to approve the appointment.

Then the experiment secretariat registers the appointment in PIE/PAD – Experiment – Team as follows:

  • The name of the Team Leader must be entered in the "Team Leader" field.

  • The names of the deputy(ies) - not more than two - must be entered in the "Deputy" fields.

  • If two deputies have identical functions, a number must be assigned to them to indicate which has priority, the higher number corresponding to the higher priority: the main deputy has a priority of 100, and the second deputy a priority of 50.

  • The start date of the Team Leader/Deputy’s appointment should be copied from the appointment form.
    The end date should be calculated by adding five years to the start date.

The secretariat must

  • forward the appointment form to the Grey Book Secretariat.
    When it receives the form, the Grey Book Secretariat selects the option "Nominated YES" in PIE/PAD - Experiment – Teams.

  • inform the Team Leader and his deputies of their responsibilities towards the members of the team (see also document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent),

  • make sure that the Team Leader and his deputies have valid and active CERN computer accounts.

2.3 Change of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

If the Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s) change, the institute must complete the appointment form, providing the information about the Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s); all those concerned must sign the form. The appointment of the Safety Correspondent is not affected.

The experiment secretariat follows the instructions in section 2.2.

In addition, the appointments of the former Team Leader and/or Deputy(ies) must be closed, replacing the end date of their appointments with the date one day before the start date of the appointment of the new appointee(s).

2.4 Renewal of appointment of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

As soon as it receives the appointment form, completed by the institute, the experiment secretariat forwards it to the experiment Spokesperson or to the Contact Person, who must sign the form to approve the renewal of the appointment.

Then, in PIE/PAD – Experiment – Team, the experiment secretariat enters a new end date, by replacing the existing entry with the date obtained by adding five years to the start date of the appointment indicated in the appointment form.

3. Safety correspondents

3.1 General

  • Anyone holding a CERN contract of association can be appointed as an institute's Safety Correspondent.
    External persons, external persons participating in an experiment (PART) and applicants are specifically excluded from being a Safety Correspondent.

  • An institute may appoint the same person as the Safety Correspondent for several experiments or projects at CERN.

  • A Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader may be appointed as a Safety Correspondent.

  • The appointment of a Safety Correspondent is for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed.

  • The institute must inform CERN in good time of any change to or renewal of an appointment.

  • The institute must inform the experiment secretariat of all appointments of Safety Correspondents, and of the renewal of their appointments, using the form Appointment of a Safety Correspondent from a collaborating institute. The form must be signed by an authorised representative of the institute and by the appointed person before it is forwarded to the secretariat at CERN. The appointment of the Safety Correspondent does not require the approval of the experiment Spokesperson or Contact Person.

  • Each new appointment cancels and replaces the previous one.

3.2 Appointment of Safety Correspondents

As soon as it receives the appointment form completed by the institute, the Users' Office:

  • registers the appointment in the Roles application, assigning the person in question the SAFETY_CORRESPONDENT role for the institute concerned (fields 1st Target Type = INSTITUTE and 1st Target = institute concerned).

  • The start date of the appointment should be copied from the appointment form.
    The end date should be calculated by adding five years to the start date.

3.3 Change of Safety Correspondent

The appointment of a new Safety Correspondent is not linked to the appointment of a new Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s).

The Users' Office follows the instructions in section 3.2.

In addition, the appointment of the former Safety Correspondent must be closed, replacing the end date of his or her appointment with the date one day before the start date of the appointment of the new appointee.

3.4 Renewal of the appointment of the Safety Correspondent

As soon as it receives the appointment form completed by the institute, the Users' Office enters a new end date in Roles, by replacing the existing entry with the date obtained by adding five years to the start date of the appointment indicated in the appointment form.

4. The Team Account

The procedures relating to Team Accounts are described on:

5. Closure of a Team

  • The Spokesperson of the experiment concerned informs the secretariat that a Team needs to be closed.

  • The participation of the members of the Team must be closed in accordance with the established procedures.

  • Pending completion of the closure procedure, the secretariat must enter the "Waiting for closure" comment in the database next to the Team concerned.

  • Once the participation of the last Team member has been closed, the secretariat closes the Team by entering the end date in PIE/PAD.

No revision Modifications Approuved
1 Revised procedure in collaboration with the Secretariats of experiences 05.07.2012
2 Update for AC 11 rev. 2 01.03.2013
3 Introduction of time limited mandate of Team Leaders and the nomination of deputies by their institute; obligation of Team Leaders to be MoP 31.08.2015
4 Introduction of the mandatory role of Safety correspondent 14.11.2017


1. Collaboration Boards

The Collaboration Board is the supreme body of a collaboration, responsible for taking the most important decisions. It comprises representatives of the participating institutes (usually the Team Leaders) as well as ex officio members.

2. Official and Unofficial Teams

- see also the definition of a Team in the Management of persons, Institutions and experiments (PIE) - Introduction procedure -

A Team is deemed to be official if the relevant institute's participation has been approved by the Collaboration Board. An unofficial Team is a Team whose participation in an experiment is pending approval by the Collaboration Board.

For a Team to appear in the Grey Book, the "In Grey Book" checkbox must be ticked in PIE/PAD - Experiments – Teams. Unofficial Teams should not appear in the Grey Book.

3. Team Leaders

Each institute participating in an experiment or project at CERN is required to appoint a Team Leader and a Deputy Team Leader responsible for making sure that all the members of their team are aware of CERN's regulations and requirements and of their duty to comply with them throughout their stay at CERN. 
The responsibilities of Team Leader and their deputies are set out in the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent.
Team Leaders and Deputy Team Leaders must:

If the Team Leader and the deputy are only occasionally present on the CERN site, it is strongly advised that the institute appoints a second deputy who is present on the site more regularly and can thus stand in for them when they are absent.

Team Leaders and their Deputies must be members of the CERN personnel and members of the Team in question. Their appointment is valid for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed. Their appointments automatically expire after this period or sooner if the person no longer fulfils the conditions for holding the position.

N.B. Teams whose institute is CERN constitute a special case. Their Team Leaders and Deputies can be staff members. Where relevant, the provisions of the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent apply by analogy.

4. Safety correspondents

Each institute must appoint, for each experiment or project at CERN in which it participates, at least one Safety Correspondent to represent it at CERN in all matters relating to Safety.

The Safety Correspondent is the point of contact between CERN and the institute for all matters relating to the safety of the institute’s personnel during their stay at CERN. He or she must forward information and requests for information from CERN to those responsible for safety in his or her own institute.

The responsibilities of the Safety Correspondent are set out in the document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent.

The Safety Correspondent must be an associated member of the CERN personnel and must be familiar with CERN’s activities.


1. Registration of Teams

  • Once a new institute has been accepted by the Collaboration Board, the Spokesperson must inform the secretariat of the experiment or the Grey Book secretariat of the names of the institute, its Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s) and whether or not the Team has official status.

  • The secretariat of the experiment

  • If the institute is not in the database, a request to have it entered should be sent by e-mail to the secretariat of the Grey Book institutes, giving the name of the institute (a letter incorporating the institute's letter heading, if possible), as well as its full address, telephone number and URL address; institutes are encouraged to also provide a generic e-mail address.

  • The institute is then registered by the Users' Office, which notifies the secretariat.

  • If the institute is already in the database or, if not, once it has been entered, the secretariat of the experiment:

    • creates a link between the experiment and the institute in PIE/PAD - Experiment - Team using a code within the tree structure of the host institute's code.

      Example: see diagram in the Recording institutes procedure
      A Team for a collaboration between the CERN experiment and a given university can be registered in the name of the university, one of its two faculties or one of its two departments.

      The existing links between the different codes can be checked in PIE/PAD -Institutes - Institutes by doing a search with the code of the institute in question: a link marked Diagram at the bottom of the "Institute" section on the search results page takes you to the complete tree structure of the institute's code.

    • specifies the status of the institute's participation (official or unofficial). The data relating to Official Teams are transferred to Oracle*HR and are then available in the databases so that the participants can be registered.

    • enters the names of the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader(s) (see section 2.2 for details).

  • Teams that have not yet been officially approved by the experiment can be registered as having unofficial status by entering the comment "Awaiting approval". The temporary Team Leader will be the spokesperson of the experiment. 
    The Contact Person or the resources coordinator may be appointed as deputies; the name of the future Team Leader may be entered in the Comments field. 
    The members of the Team awaiting approval by the Collaboration Board should be registered as unofficial participants ("N" flag in the "Grey Book" field) as they do not yet appear in the Grey Book. 
    Once the team has been made official, and no later than three months after the registration of the unofficial team, the institute must appoint a Team Leader and Deputy Team Leaders to replace the spokesperson, contact person and resources coordinator. 
    If the Team Leader fails to appoint a Team Leader within the three-month deadline, the Users Office:

    • will close the User contracts of the members of the Team concerned,

    • will close the participation of the members of the Team concerned,

    • will close the Team concerned,

    • will refuse the extension of existing User contracts and the creation of new User contracts.

2. Team Leaders

2.1 General

  • Anyone holding a CERN contract of association - or a CERN staff contract if the institute is "CERN" - can be appointed as an institute's Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader. External persons, external persons participating in an experiment (PART) and applicants are specifically excluded from being a Team Leader.

  • A Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s must be a participant in the experiment concerned (see procedure Participation in an experiment of a person present at CERN).

  • The appointment of a Team Leader and any Deputy is for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed. The appointment will end before this limit if the person concerned no longer fulfils all of the conditions described above.

  • The institute must inform CERN in good time of any change to or renewal of an appointment.

  • The institute must inform the experiment secretariat of all appointments of Team Leaders or Deputy Team Leaders and of the renewal of their appointments using the form Appointment of a Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader from an Institution collaborating in an Experiment or Project. The form must be signed by an authorised representative of the institute and by the persons appointed before it is forwarded to the secretariat at CERN.
    Each new appointment cancels and replaces the previous one.

2.2 Appointment of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

As soon as it receives the appointment form, completed by the institute, the experiment secretariat forwards it to the experiment Spokesperson or to the Contact Person, who must sign the form to approve the appointment.

Then the experiment secretariat registers the appointment in PIE/PAD – Experiment – Team as follows:

  • The name of the Team Leader must be entered in the "Team Leader" field.

  • The names of the deputy(ies) - not more than two - must be entered in the "Deputy" fields.

  • If two deputies have identical functions, a number must be assigned to them to indicate which has priority, the higher number corresponding to the higher priority: the main deputy has a priority of 100, and the second deputy a priority of 50.

  • The start date of the Team Leader/Deputy’s appointment should be copied from the appointment form.
    The end date should be calculated by adding five years to the start date.

The secretariat must

  • forward the appointment form to the Grey Book Secretariat.
    When it receives the form, the Grey Book Secretariat selects the option "Nominated YES" in PIE/PAD - Experiment – Teams.

  • inform the Team Leader and his deputies of their responsibilities towards the members of the team (see also document Responsibilities of the Home Institution, the CERN Team Leader and the Safety Correspondent),

  • make sure that the Team Leader and his deputies have valid and active CERN computer accounts.

2.3 Change of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

If the Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s) change, the institute must complete the appointment form, providing the information about the Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader(s); all those concerned must sign the form. The appointment of the Safety Correspondent is not affected.

The experiment secretariat follows the instructions in section 2.2.

In addition, the appointments of the former Team Leader and/or Deputy(ies) must be closed, replacing the end date of their appointments with the date one day before the start date of the appointment of the new appointee(s).

2.4 Renewal of appointment of Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s)

As soon as it receives the appointment form, completed by the institute, the experiment secretariat forwards it to the experiment Spokesperson or to the Contact Person, who must sign the form to approve the renewal of the appointment.

Then, in PIE/PAD – Experiment – Team, the experiment secretariat enters a new end date, by replacing the existing entry with the date obtained by adding five years to the start date of the appointment indicated in the appointment form.

3. Safety correspondents

3.1 General

  • Anyone holding a CERN contract of association can be appointed as an institute's Safety Correspondent.
    External persons, external persons participating in an experiment (PART) and applicants are specifically excluded from being a Safety Correspondent.

  • An institute may appoint the same person as the Safety Correspondent for several experiments or projects at CERN.

  • A Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader may be appointed as a Safety Correspondent.

  • The appointment of a Safety Correspondent is for an initial duration of five years maximum, but can be renewed.

  • The institute must inform CERN in good time of any change to or renewal of an appointment.

  • The institute must inform the experiment secretariat of all appointments of Safety Correspondents, and of the renewal of their appointments, using the form Appointment of a Safety Correspondent from a collaborating institute. The form must be signed by an authorised representative of the institute and by the appointed person before it is forwarded to the secretariat at CERN. The appointment of the Safety Correspondent does not require the approval of the experiment Spokesperson or Contact Person.

  • Each new appointment cancels and replaces the previous one.

3.2 Appointment of Safety Correspondents

As soon as it receives the appointment form completed by the institute, the Users' Office:

  • registers the appointment in the Roles application, assigning the person in question the SAFETY_CORRESPONDENT role for the institute concerned (fields 1st Target Type = INSTITUTE and 1st Target = institute concerned).

  • The start date of the appointment should be copied from the appointment form.
    The end date should be calculated by adding five years to the start date.

3.3 Change of Safety Correspondent

The appointment of a new Safety Correspondent is not linked to the appointment of a new Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leader(s).

The Users' Office follows the instructions in section 3.2.

In addition, the appointment of the former Safety Correspondent must be closed, replacing the end date of his or her appointment with the date one day before the start date of the appointment of the new appointee.

3.4 Renewal of the appointment of the Safety Correspondent

As soon as it receives the appointment form completed by the institute, the Users' Office enters a new end date in Roles, by replacing the existing entry with the date obtained by adding five years to the start date of the appointment indicated in the appointment form.

4. The Team Account

The procedures relating to Team Accounts are described on:

5. Closure of a Team

  • The Spokesperson of the experiment concerned informs the secretariat that a Team needs to be closed.

  • The participation of the members of the Team must be closed in accordance with the established procedures.

  • Pending completion of the closure procedure, the secretariat must enter the "Waiting for closure" comment in the database next to the Team concerned.

  • Once the participation of the last Team member has been closed, the secretariat closes the Team by entering the end date in PIE/PAD.


No revision Modifications Approuved
1 Revised procedure in collaboration with the Secretariats of experiences 05.07.2012
2 Update for AC 11 rev. 2 01.03.2013
3 Introduction of time limited mandate of Team Leaders and the nomination of deputies by their institute; obligation of Team Leaders to be MoP 31.08.2015
4 Introduction of the mandatory role of Safety correspondent 14.11.2017