Although CERN is a scientific organisation, it is not immune to exposure to the risks of money laundering in respect of external funds. The Organization therefore has a responsibility to take appropriate measures to address and mitigate such risks.
The reference document “Anti-Money Laundering Measures on External Funds”, produced by the Finance and Administrative Processes (FAP) department, establishes the anti-money laundering taken by CERN insofar as external funds are concerned and sets out the procedure to be followed if money laundering is suspected. It should be read in conjunction with CERN’s broader legal framework, in particular, its Staff Rules and Regulations, CERN Code of Conduct, Integrity at CERN and the Conditions Applicable to the use and opening of Third-Party Accounts.
These measures apply to the Controlling Services in the FAP department involved in the financial planning, budgeting, accounting and monitoring of external funds, as well as to all persons who have signature rights on budget codes and Third-Party Accounts involving external funds. Furthermore, Controlling Services directly involved in activities generating revenues from external sources (e.g. fundraising from private donors or knowledge transfer) shall familiarise themselves with these measures.
The reference document “Guidelines for Mitigating the Risk of Money Laundering on External Funds” details general strategies for mitigating the risk of money laundering and complements the Organization’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures on External Funds.
In the event of knowledge or suspicion that money laundering is taking or has taken place within the Organization, or concern about a transaction that may contravene the above-mentioned measures, the Controlling Service must inform the Money Laundering Reporting Office and cease the related activity immediately.
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