

Web site of the Library
open from 9 am to 5 pm

Cards Service

Maria QUINTAS RODRIGUEZ, phone +41 22 767 9494
Anne-Sophie VERBRUGGHEN, phone +41 22 766 5084
Qendresa OSMANI, phone +41 22 766 0717

Address: Cards Service, HR Department, CERN, Esplanade des Particules, 1211 Geneva 23

Depending on the case, please contact:

  • for administrative services only (departmental secretariats, HR services),
  • for visa requests,
  • Submit a request to the Cards Service (via Service Portal) for members of the personnel,
  • CERN Community Support Centre (building 33 from 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Monday to Friday) for the submission of documents, the return and withdrawal of cards.

Career transition measures

- Information and administration of the programme: Learning and Development Group (HR), Nathalie DUMEAUX

- Information and advice on training: Departmental Training Officer (DTO) via Roles.

- Any other information: Human Resources Advisor (HRA)

CERN Community Support Centre (CCSC)

Phone number: +41-22-767-7777.

Opening hours: from 7.00 am to 6.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Building 33.

Services available: contractor registration, deliver of access cards and professional visitor cards, biometry registration and dosimeter distribution, delivery of Swiss legitimation and French MAE cards, online training stations and general online and on-site assistance.

More information about the CERN Community Support Centre (bldg 33).

CERN Mobility Centre

Open Monday to Friday non stop from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Phone: +41 22 767 2228

Building 6167

The CERN Mobility Centre is in charge of the following activities:

Crédit Agricole Bank

Office on Prévessin site, building 866, open

Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 h 14:15 - 17:00 h
Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 h 13:30 - 17:00 h
Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 h 14:15 - 17:00 h
Friday 9:00 - 12:00 h 13:30 - 17:00 h

(Closed from Saturday to Monday.)

Phone: 77072

Departmental Space Manager (DSM)

The list of DSMs is available via Roles.


Opening hours : 9am - 7pm.

Phone number : +41 44 516 0020

Emergencies available 24/7/365

Family Affairs Service

Changes of family situation and family benefits.

French Customs Office

  • Address:

Route de Genève
F - 01216 Ferney-Voltaire

  • Contact:

Phone Standard : +33 (0)9 70 27 31 83

Phone Mr Vitry: +33 (0)9 70 27 31 68

  • Opening hours:

Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 5pm

It is recommended to take an appointment.

Grey Book Secretariat

For updates to the institute data:

See also: Web site of the Grey Book

Helpline Covid-19 CERN

Téléphone: +41 22 766 77 77

Induction programme


- First part - monthly session

- Second part - trimestrial session:

Knowledge Transfer

Web site of the Knowledge Transfer group

- for non-disclosure agreements:
Myriam AYASS

Legal Service

Phone of the secretariat: +41 22 766 2669 / 5323
Web site of the Legal Service

Locks and Keys Service

Web site of the Locks and Keys Service.

Access to the Locks and Keys service via the Service Portal.

Mail and Internal Distribution service

Office: 555/R-002
Open from 7:30 to 12:00 am and from 1:00 to 4:30 pm

For more information: Post Mail Service via the Portal service.

Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (OCPM)

Office cantonal de la population et des migrations

route de Chancy 88 
1213 Onex


Mail only:

Office cantonal de la population et des migrations 
case postale 2652 
1211 Genève 2

Personnel Accounting

Accounting service for conferences organized by CERN : Claims office

Records Office

Office open from 8:30 to 12:30 am
- Management of personal administrative records

Salaries Office

To create a ticket to the Functional Element Person Bank Account Details via the Service Portal.

Shipping service

Emails for the Shipping service:

Website: Supply Chain services

Storage, Recuperation and Sales service / Sales Office

Storage, Recuperation and Sales service / Sales Office 
Office : 6412/R-001 
Phone: +41 22 767 5782
Mobile phone: +41 75 411 28 95 
For sales: open on Thursdays from 8.30am to 11:30am and from 1:30pm to 4.00pm.


UBS Bank

Office on Meyrin site, building 500.


Web site of CHIS - UNIQA

Valserhône Service des impôts des particuliers (SIP, private citizens’ tax office)

Opening hours:

The SIP is open to the public on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm (closed on Fridays).

Service des impôts des particuliers (SIP) 
SIP de Valserhône
11 rue Ampère
CS 70619

The service is accessible by e-mail or by phone (+33 4 50 56 69 40).

These services are generally provided in French but can also be provided in basic English and are only relevant for taxpayers domiciled in the Ain. By logging into their “espace particulier” on the website impots.gouv.frusers can now contact their SIP using their secure messaging and/or request a telephone or a physical appointment with the relevant department from the heading “Contacts et RDV”.

Visits Service

Building 86/R-001.

Phone number: +41 22 767 2310.
