Reinstallation indemnity

Applicable à

The purpose of the reinstallation indemnity is to facilitate Staff Members' return to the home station or their establishment in a new place of residence upon termination of their employment contract with the Organization.

The conditions applicable to the reinstallation indemnity are defined in article R V 1.33 and Annex R A 10 of the Staff Rules and Regulations as well as in Administrative Circular No. 30.

1. Beneficiaries and criteria

The reinstallation indemnity is paid to staff members who are entitled to the payment of removal costs, according to the following conditions:

  • Staff members hired before 1 January 2007 (with the exception of former Local staff members):

    • the home station must be outside a circle with a 20 km radius having CERN at its centre, and

    • the new place of residence must be established 20 km or more in a straight line from the former place of residence in the two years following contract termination.

  • Staff members hired after 1 January 2007 (including former Local Staff): 

    • the home station must be outside a circle with a 70 km radius having CERN at its centre, and

    • the new place of residence must be established outside a circle with a 70 km radius having CERN at its centre in the two years following contract termination.


  • the new place of residence is deemed to be the tax domicile (the address at which the staff member declares his income),
  • the former place of residence is deemed to be the address communicated to the Host State authorities by the Organization.

Moreover, to be entitled to the reinstallation indemnity, staff members must not have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons or for reasons of unsatisfactory service nor have tendered their resignation, except where the Director-General deems their resignation to be in the interest of the Organization (notably in the case of participation in the progressive retirement programme or the part-time work programme as a pre-retirement measure).

For any further information concerning entitlement to this indemnity, please contact the Department's Human Resources Adviser (HRA)

2. Amount

The amount of the reinstallation indemnity is calculated according to the method described in Annex R A 10 of the Staff Regulations.

Minimum and maximum basic salaries taken into account:

  Staff members hired before 01.01.2007
(with the exception of former Local Staff)
Staff members hired after 01.01.2007
(including former Local Staff)
minimum 71% of the midpoint salary of grade 5
maximum  n/a 105% of the midpoint salary of grade 5

In the case of part-time work, the amount is calculated in proportion to the working time for the entire duration of the contract. However, if the staff member has 7 years of full time service during the same contract, the amount of the reinstallation indemnity is not paid prorata.

Except in the case of parental and compassionate leave, unpaid leave is not taken into account when calculating the number of completed years of uninterrupted service as a staff member.

Participation in the progressive retirement programme or the programme of part-time work as an early retirement measure is considered as a period of full-time employment for the purposes of calculating the reinstallation indemnity.  

Pursuant to Article R V 2.02 of the Staff Regulations, the indemnities or grants paid upon contract termination are not part of the taxable amount.

In the event of the death of a staff member, if it is only the surviving spouse/partner or only one dependent child who returns to the home station or takes up a new place of residence, the level of indemnity payable shall be that of the reinstallation indemnity payable to a staff member who is not in receipt of the family allowance. 

3. Deferral of payment of the reinstallation indemnity

Upon termination of the staff contract, if the staff member holds a new contract of association with CERN, the Organization pays only one reinstallation indemnity, and under the following conditions:

  • the entitlement to the indemnity is deferred until such time as the person no longer holds an employment contract of more than 20 hours per week; from that point onwards, reinstallation must occur within two years;
  • if the weekly working hours are equal to or less than 20 hours, reinstallation must occur in the two years following termination of the contract giving entitlement to the payment.

4. Non-concurrence of benefits for spouses/partners who are also staff members

When two eligible staff members are married or in a registered partnership to one another, a single indemnity is paid. The rules applicable in this case are defined in paragraphs 36 and 37 of Administrative Circular No. 30.


1. Request of payment of reinstallation indemnity

Approximately three months before the end of the contract, staff members who are entitled to the reinstallation indemnity receive an application form in the framework of the departure formalities.

Reinstallation must occur within two years of contract termination, once the travel and removal have taken place. It is possible to forego the Organization's payment of travel and removal expenses without affecting entitlement to the reinstallation indemnity. 

Payment of the reinstallation indemnity is subject to the completion of all the departure formalities. 

The duly completed application form must be signed and sent to the Re-installation indemnity service within two years and six months of contract termination (including the 6-month claims limitation period laid down in article R V 1.37 of the Staff Regulations) at the latest. 

2. Substantiation of reinstallation

The following substantiating evidence of reinstallation must be submitted with the application form:

  1. for the former place of residence: a departure certificate, if issued.
    For staff members residing in the canton of Geneva or Vaud, see the list of contacts of Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (Geneva or Vaud) in section 4. Useful addresses in the document “When you leave CERN” edited by the CERN Social Service.

  2. for the new place of residence:
    - certificate of tax domicile or
    - income tax statement or
    - announcement of arrival (only in countries where this is deemed to constitute a certificate of tax domicile) or
    - certificate of residence (only in countries where this is deemed to constitute a certificate of tax domicile. The certificate of domicile issued by French Town Halls (Mairies) is not accepted, as well as sworn statements are not accepted as certificates of residence!) or
    - any other document deemed equivalent by CERN.

A few examples of evidence substantiating the new place of residence currently accepted by the Organization:

  • for reinstallation in France from a former residence in France:
    a copy of any document issued by the tax authorities certifying the main place of residence, such as an income tax statement, a certificate of tax residence or a statement of change of tax residence.

    CERN has been informed that, for staff members who were registered with the Bellegarde tax office (Centre des Finances Publiques), it is possible to obtain a certificate of change of residence without having to wait for the next income tax declaration and statement, by submitting a request in writing to the Centre des Finances Publiques de Bellegarde (specimen letter - in French, only). Staff members who were registered with another Centre des Finances Publiques should be able to obtain a certificate without having to wait for the next income tax declaration and statement, by going to their Centre des Finances Publiques, declaring their change of main residence and requesting a certificate entitled "attestation de prise en compte du changement de résidence" (certificate of registration of a change of residence).

  • For reinstallation in France from a former residence in Switzerland:
    a copy of the certificate of departure from Switzerland (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the former place of residence and a copy of any document issued by the tax authorities of the new place of residence certifying the main place of residence, such as an income tax statement, a certificate of tax residence or a statement of change of tax residence.

  • For reinstallation in Switzerland from a former residence in Switzerland:
    a copy of the departure certificate (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the former place of residence) and a copy of the arrival certificate (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the new place of residence).

As the documents issued in the different countries of departure and arrival vary from one country to another, please contact the Re-installation indemnity service for information regarding the type of proof of residence to be submitted.

3. Payment of the indemnity

After verification of the request by the Re-installation indemnity service, the indemnity is paid by the Claims Office directly into the former staff member's bank account (within about 1 month), without any additional notification.

In the event of a change of bank account, the former staff member must enclose with his application the new bank details, which will be transmitted to the Claims Office.

No revision Modifications Approved
1 Diversity-related measures approved in the framework of the 2015 five-yearly review:
The indemnity amount applicable to Staff Members in receipt of the family allowance is paid even if the family members do not take up residence with the member of the personnel.
2 New career structure on 01.09.2016. Council, 15.12.2015
3 - Addition of the form "Demande de paiement de l'indemnité de réinstallation/Request for payment of the reinstallation indemnity",
- Update of the "Notification of a change in permanent residence (specimen letter for the Bellegarde tax office; in French, only)",
- It is no longer the Salaries Office but the Claims Office that handles the payment of the indemnity.

Update of the paragraph: For staff members residing in the canton of Geneva or Vaud, see the list of contacts of Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (Geneva or Vaud) in section 4. Useful addresses in the document “When you leave CERN” edited by the CERN Social Service.



The purpose of the reinstallation indemnity is to facilitate Staff Members' return to the home station or their establishment in a new place of residence upon termination of their employment contract with the Organization.

The conditions applicable to the reinstallation indemnity are defined in article R V 1.33 and Annex R A 10 of the Staff Rules and Regulations as well as in Administrative Circular No. 30.

1. Beneficiaries and criteria

The reinstallation indemnity is paid to staff members who are entitled to the payment of removal costs, according to the following conditions:

  • Staff members hired before 1 January 2007 (with the exception of former Local staff members):

    • the home station must be outside a circle with a 20 km radius having CERN at its centre, and

    • the new place of residence must be established 20 km or more in a straight line from the former place of residence in the two years following contract termination.

  • Staff members hired after 1 January 2007 (including former Local Staff): 

    • the home station must be outside a circle with a 70 km radius having CERN at its centre, and

    • the new place of residence must be established outside a circle with a 70 km radius having CERN at its centre in the two years following contract termination.


  • the new place of residence is deemed to be the tax domicile (the address at which the staff member declares his income),
  • the former place of residence is deemed to be the address communicated to the Host State authorities by the Organization.

Moreover, to be entitled to the reinstallation indemnity, staff members must not have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons or for reasons of unsatisfactory service nor have tendered their resignation, except where the Director-General deems their resignation to be in the interest of the Organization (notably in the case of participation in the progressive retirement programme or the part-time work programme as a pre-retirement measure).

For any further information concerning entitlement to this indemnity, please contact the Department's Human Resources Adviser (HRA)

2. Amount

The amount of the reinstallation indemnity is calculated according to the method described in Annex R A 10 of the Staff Regulations.

Minimum and maximum basic salaries taken into account:

  Staff members hired before 01.01.2007
(with the exception of former Local Staff)
Staff members hired after 01.01.2007
(including former Local Staff)
minimum 71% of the midpoint salary of grade 5
maximum  n/a 105% of the midpoint salary of grade 5

In the case of part-time work, the amount is calculated in proportion to the working time for the entire duration of the contract. However, if the staff member has 7 years of full time service during the same contract, the amount of the reinstallation indemnity is not paid prorata.

Except in the case of parental and compassionate leave, unpaid leave is not taken into account when calculating the number of completed years of uninterrupted service as a staff member.

Participation in the progressive retirement programme or the programme of part-time work as an early retirement measure is considered as a period of full-time employment for the purposes of calculating the reinstallation indemnity.  

Pursuant to Article R V 2.02 of the Staff Regulations, the indemnities or grants paid upon contract termination are not part of the taxable amount.

In the event of the death of a staff member, if it is only the surviving spouse/partner or only one dependent child who returns to the home station or takes up a new place of residence, the level of indemnity payable shall be that of the reinstallation indemnity payable to a staff member who is not in receipt of the family allowance. 

3. Deferral of payment of the reinstallation indemnity

Upon termination of the staff contract, if the staff member holds a new contract of association with CERN, the Organization pays only one reinstallation indemnity, and under the following conditions:

  • the entitlement to the indemnity is deferred until such time as the person no longer holds an employment contract of more than 20 hours per week; from that point onwards, reinstallation must occur within two years;
  • if the weekly working hours are equal to or less than 20 hours, reinstallation must occur in the two years following termination of the contract giving entitlement to the payment.

4. Non-concurrence of benefits for spouses/partners who are also staff members

When two eligible staff members are married or in a registered partnership to one another, a single indemnity is paid. The rules applicable in this case are defined in paragraphs 36 and 37 of Administrative Circular No. 30.


1. Request of payment of reinstallation indemnity

Approximately three months before the end of the contract, staff members who are entitled to the reinstallation indemnity receive an application form in the framework of the departure formalities.

Reinstallation must occur within two years of contract termination, once the travel and removal have taken place. It is possible to forego the Organization's payment of travel and removal expenses without affecting entitlement to the reinstallation indemnity. 

Payment of the reinstallation indemnity is subject to the completion of all the departure formalities. 

The duly completed application form must be signed and sent to the Re-installation indemnity service within two years and six months of contract termination (including the 6-month claims limitation period laid down in article R V 1.37 of the Staff Regulations) at the latest. 

2. Substantiation of reinstallation

The following substantiating evidence of reinstallation must be submitted with the application form:

  1. for the former place of residence: a departure certificate, if issued.
    For staff members residing in the canton of Geneva or Vaud, see the list of contacts of Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (Geneva or Vaud) in section 4. Useful addresses in the document “When you leave CERN” edited by the CERN Social Service.

  2. for the new place of residence:
    - certificate of tax domicile or
    - income tax statement or
    - announcement of arrival (only in countries where this is deemed to constitute a certificate of tax domicile) or
    - certificate of residence (only in countries where this is deemed to constitute a certificate of tax domicile. The certificate of domicile issued by French Town Halls (Mairies) is not accepted, as well as sworn statements are not accepted as certificates of residence!) or
    - any other document deemed equivalent by CERN.

A few examples of evidence substantiating the new place of residence currently accepted by the Organization:

  • for reinstallation in France from a former residence in France:
    a copy of any document issued by the tax authorities certifying the main place of residence, such as an income tax statement, a certificate of tax residence or a statement of change of tax residence.

    CERN has been informed that, for staff members who were registered with the Bellegarde tax office (Centre des Finances Publiques), it is possible to obtain a certificate of change of residence without having to wait for the next income tax declaration and statement, by submitting a request in writing to the Centre des Finances Publiques de Bellegarde (specimen letter - in French, only). Staff members who were registered with another Centre des Finances Publiques should be able to obtain a certificate without having to wait for the next income tax declaration and statement, by going to their Centre des Finances Publiques, declaring their change of main residence and requesting a certificate entitled "attestation de prise en compte du changement de résidence" (certificate of registration of a change of residence).

  • For reinstallation in France from a former residence in Switzerland:
    a copy of the certificate of departure from Switzerland (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the former place of residence and a copy of any document issued by the tax authorities of the new place of residence certifying the main place of residence, such as an income tax statement, a certificate of tax residence or a statement of change of tax residence.

  • For reinstallation in Switzerland from a former residence in Switzerland:
    a copy of the departure certificate (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the former place of residence) and a copy of the arrival certificate (issued by the Office Cantonal de la Population of the new place of residence).

As the documents issued in the different countries of departure and arrival vary from one country to another, please contact the Re-installation indemnity service for information regarding the type of proof of residence to be submitted.

3. Payment of the indemnity

After verification of the request by the Re-installation indemnity service, the indemnity is paid by the Claims Office directly into the former staff member's bank account (within about 1 month), without any additional notification.

In the event of a change of bank account, the former staff member must enclose with his application the new bank details, which will be transmitted to the Claims Office.


No revision Modifications Approved
1 Diversity-related measures approved in the framework of the 2015 five-yearly review:
The indemnity amount applicable to Staff Members in receipt of the family allowance is paid even if the family members do not take up residence with the member of the personnel.
2 New career structure on 01.09.2016. Council, 15.12.2015
3 - Addition of the form "Demande de paiement de l'indemnité de réinstallation/Request for payment of the reinstallation indemnity",
- Update of the "Notification of a change in permanent residence (specimen letter for the Bellegarde tax office; in French, only)",
- It is no longer the Salaries Office but the Claims Office that handles the payment of the indemnity.

Update of the paragraph: For staff members residing in the canton of Geneva or Vaud, see the list of contacts of Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (Geneva or Vaud) in section 4. Useful addresses in the document “When you leave CERN” edited by the CERN Social Service.
