Registration of contractors' personnel

Applicable à

The Registration Service of the SCE department issues all CERN access cards, registers vehicles and carries out biometric registration. In addition, this service is responsible for managing the contractors' personnel files.


Anyone working at CERN for a contractor or in the framework of a work order must comply with the rules in force in the Organization.

1. Pre-registration

The contractor's representative(s) or the CERN technical contact must use the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO) via EDH to pre-register the members of their personnel required to work at CERN, by following the instructions set out in the EDH document's online help.

The services described in the contract are carried out either:

  • on a single national territory (the Swiss or the French part of the CERN site);
  • on both the French part and the Swiss part of the CERN site.

For each contract, the “foreseeable preponderant share of the services to be provided” (known in French as “4P”) is indicated in the technical specification of the invitation to tender or the price enquiry. The foreseeable preponderant share is defined in accordance with the agreement between the Government of the French Republic, the Swiss Federal Council and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the law applicable to contractors providing services of a transnational nature on the Organization’s site, as well as the Amending Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Swiss Federal Council concerning the extension into French territory of the CERN site, concluded on 13 September 1965. For more information, see the Procurement Service website: Law applicable to contractors’ personnel.

During pre-registration, the contractor uploads scanned copies of the following documents to the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO):

  • a valid identity document (identity card or passport);
  • work permit, if applicable;
  • residence permit, if applicable.

Documents to be supplied depending on the territory on which the services are being provided:

  1. When the services are being provided only on French territory or only on Swiss territory:


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)

France only French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities*.
Switzerland only French or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

  1. If services are provided in both territories (France and Switzerland) and the contract is not subject to the 4P rule (invitations to tender sent before 18/01/2014):


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)

Switzerland and France French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities* (if the person in question is required to work on French territory).

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

  1. If services are provided in both territories (France and Switzerland) and the contract is subject to the 4P rule (invitations to tender sent after 18/01/2014):


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)


(depending on the country where the activities are taking place)

Switzerland and France French law French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities.*
Swiss law French or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Permit (G CERN), if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

In some situations, other documents are required and may be requested by the Registration Service.

The Registration Service checks the request received via EDH and informs the contractor of its progress:

  • if the request is rejected, the contractor is informed of the documents required to complete the request;
  • if the request is validated, an automatic e-mail is sent to the representative of the contractor indicating that the employee can proceed to the Registration Service with the originals of the scanned documents to finalise the file.

If the contractor is using a subcontractor, the latter must have been declared in the contract in advance in order for it to be available for selection in EDH. If the subcontractor does not appear in the list, the CERN technical contact for the contract must contact the Procurement Service, who will validate and register the subcontractor as appropriate.

N.B. To register personnel in the framework of a work order, the "Contractors' personnel registration sheet" must be completed and the abovementioned documents provided.

2. Registration

When the order or contract has been signed by CERN and the file validated by the Registration Service, the member of the contractor's personnel (except for contractors' personnel working remotely) must proceed to the Registration Service located in Building 55 with the originals of the documents that were submitted in the EDH form.

If the conditions are met, CERN will then issue a DFAE attestation for the member of the contractor's personnel concerned.

Special case: contractors' personnel working remotely

Some contracts or work orders provide for the possibility of personnel working exclusively remotely (teleworking). In such cases, the CERN technical contact for the contract must communicate the following information to the Registration Service via the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO):

  • the reference number of the contract or order;
  • the registration forms and identity documents of the people concerned;
  • an e-mail from the technical contact authorising teleworking for the people concerned;
  • the work permit, if applicable;
  • the residence permit, if applicable.

This type of registration for the purposes of teleworking does not under any circumstances allow a CERN access card to be issued.

The applicable access and working conditions are laid down in the Working on the CERN site document.

3. Authorisation to work outside normal working hours and days

An authorisation known as the "Notice of work done outside normal working hours (7 p.m. to 7 a.m., weekends and official holidays" is required for any work performed outside CERN's normal working hours and must be obtained via the CERN technical contact.

To do so, the responsible of the contracting firm fills in electronically the authorisation, signs, stamps it and then forwards it to the CERN technical contact who also signs it and sends it to the Guards Service ( as well as to the Fire Brigade ( by email.

The Guards then create the access requests in ADaMS for the person(s) mentioned on the form. The member of the contractor's personnel can then access to the site by presenting their access card to the security guard at Entrance B.

It should be noted that the concerned persons must always keep their authorisation with them.

No revision Modifications Approved
1 New paragraph 3 about the Authorisation to work outside normal working hours and days 03.12.2018
2 Clarification section c. of the table. 29.04.2019
3 Addition of the contact for secondment formalities. 24.11.2021
4 Addition of the new EDH document formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO). 19.06.2024


The Registration Service of the SCE department issues all CERN access cards, registers vehicles and carries out biometric registration. In addition, this service is responsible for managing the contractors' personnel files.


Anyone working at CERN for a contractor or in the framework of a work order must comply with the rules in force in the Organization.

1. Pre-registration

The contractor's representative(s) or the CERN technical contact must use the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO) via EDH to pre-register the members of their personnel required to work at CERN, by following the instructions set out in the EDH document's online help.

The services described in the contract are carried out either:

  • on a single national territory (the Swiss or the French part of the CERN site);
  • on both the French part and the Swiss part of the CERN site.

For each contract, the “foreseeable preponderant share of the services to be provided” (known in French as “4P”) is indicated in the technical specification of the invitation to tender or the price enquiry. The foreseeable preponderant share is defined in accordance with the agreement between the Government of the French Republic, the Swiss Federal Council and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the law applicable to contractors providing services of a transnational nature on the Organization’s site, as well as the Amending Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Swiss Federal Council concerning the extension into French territory of the CERN site, concluded on 13 September 1965. For more information, see the Procurement Service website: Law applicable to contractors’ personnel.

During pre-registration, the contractor uploads scanned copies of the following documents to the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO):

  • a valid identity document (identity card or passport);
  • work permit, if applicable;
  • residence permit, if applicable.

Documents to be supplied depending on the territory on which the services are being provided:

  1. When the services are being provided only on French territory or only on Swiss territory:


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)

France only French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities*.
Switzerland only French or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

  1. If services are provided in both territories (France and Switzerland) and the contract is not subject to the 4P rule (invitations to tender sent before 18/01/2014):


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)

Switzerland and France French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities* (if the person in question is required to work on French territory).

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

  1. If services are provided in both territories (France and Switzerland) and the contract is subject to the 4P rule (invitations to tender sent after 18/01/2014):


(defined during the invitation to tender phase)


(depending on the country where the activities are taking place)

Switzerland and France French law French
  • Valid identity document,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
Swiss or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable,
  • Proof of completion of secondment formalities.*
Swiss law French or other
  • Valid identity document,
  • Permit (G CERN), if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.
  • Valid identity document,
  • Work permit, if applicable,
  • Residence permit, if applicable.

* More information on the French Labour Inspectorate website. For all questions related to secondment formalities, please contact the French Labour Inspectorate via their email address.

In some situations, other documents are required and may be requested by the Registration Service.

The Registration Service checks the request received via EDH and informs the contractor of its progress:

  • if the request is rejected, the contractor is informed of the documents required to complete the request;
  • if the request is validated, an automatic e-mail is sent to the representative of the contractor indicating that the employee can proceed to the Registration Service with the originals of the scanned documents to finalise the file.

If the contractor is using a subcontractor, the latter must have been declared in the contract in advance in order for it to be available for selection in EDH. If the subcontractor does not appear in the list, the CERN technical contact for the contract must contact the Procurement Service, who will validate and register the subcontractor as appropriate.

N.B. To register personnel in the framework of a work order, the "Contractors' personnel registration sheet" must be completed and the abovementioned documents provided.

2. Registration

When the order or contract has been signed by CERN and the file validated by the Registration Service, the member of the contractor's personnel (except for contractors' personnel working remotely) must proceed to the Registration Service located in Building 55 with the originals of the documents that were submitted in the EDH form.

If the conditions are met, CERN will then issue a DFAE attestation for the member of the contractor's personnel concerned.

Special case: contractors' personnel working remotely

Some contracts or work orders provide for the possibility of personnel working exclusively remotely (teleworking). In such cases, the CERN technical contact for the contract must communicate the following information to the Registration Service via the formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO):

  • the reference number of the contract or order;
  • the registration forms and identity documents of the people concerned;
  • an e-mail from the technical contact authorising teleworking for the people concerned;
  • the work permit, if applicable;
  • the residence permit, if applicable.

This type of registration for the purposes of teleworking does not under any circumstances allow a CERN access card to be issued.

The applicable access and working conditions are laid down in the Working on the CERN site document.

3. Authorisation to work outside normal working hours and days

An authorisation known as the "Notice of work done outside normal working hours (7 p.m. to 7 a.m., weekends and official holidays" is required for any work performed outside CERN's normal working hours and must be obtained via the CERN technical contact.

To do so, the responsible of the contracting firm fills in electronically the authorisation, signs, stamps it and then forwards it to the CERN technical contact who also signs it and sends it to the Guards Service ( as well as to the Fire Brigade ( by email.

The Guards then create the access requests in ADaMS for the person(s) mentioned on the form. The member of the contractor's personnel can then access to the site by presenting their access card to the security guard at Entrance B.

It should be noted that the concerned persons must always keep their authorisation with them.


No revision Modifications Approved
1 New paragraph 3 about the Authorisation to work outside normal working hours and days 03.12.2018
2 Clarification section c. of the table. 29.04.2019
3 Addition of the contact for secondment formalities. 24.11.2021
4 Addition of the new EDH document formulaire de pré-enregistrement pour les contractants / Pre-registration form for Contractors (PREGO). 19.06.2024